Casual Shih Tzu Top Knots

by JoAnn White

First, with a parting comb, part the hair between the eyes
from inner corner to inner corner
being very careful not to injure the eye.

Part the hair back from the outside corners of the eyes.
Brush the coat down over the ears,
and back behind the eyes.

Make a part across the skull about in the middle.
Brush the first section all forward. Use a very small latex band (orthodontal or special topknot bands work best). Take a few hairs near the back of this section, and pull them straight up. This will anchor the front part to the topskull, and also will create a pretty poof. I like to twist the band one more time after this step to set the topnot firmly in place, but this is optional.

Make a "half-moon" part for the back section.
Combing forward, band, and again anchor it,
only use a few hairs from the front part of the section.

Put a bow on the first section.
Join the two sections together with another band or two (depending on the length of the hair).
Place these above the first two and behind the bow.
Voila!! The Finished Beautiful Shih Tzu!!

CREDIT: Photos copyright© of JoAnn White, used with permission, also featured in her book,
An Owner's Guide to the Shih Tzu published by Howell Book House, Inc.