2024 ASTC National Specialty

Tuesday, April 16, ASTC Agility Trial
Judge: Mary Mullen
Agility High in Trial: Shente’s Ha’Tikvah Goldstein; Owned by Burton and Rochelle Goldstein
Agility Preferred High in Trial: HIT Preferred RACH Hallmark Jolei Hot On The Trail Tova VCD3 UDX4 OM6 BN RM4 RAE4 MXP4 MXPB; Owned by Judy E. and Thomas R. Harding
Wednesday, April 17, ASTC Regional Specialty #1
Judge: Carolyn Taylor
Best of Breed: CH Hallmark Jolei Out of This World; Owned by Luke and Diane Ehricht and Bonnie Miller
Best of Winners, Winners Dog, Best Puppy and Best Bred By: Hallmark Jolei Twilight Rendevous; Owned by Luke and Diane Ehricht
Best of Opposite Sex: CH Valmont JP’S Every Single Time; Owned by Tanaka Takanorl
Winners Bitch: BR Peppers Love Potion; Owned by Annette Torres
Select Dog: Obsessions’s N Wenrick’s Somebody to Love; Owned by Wendy Paquette and Vernelle Arnold
Select Bitch: CH Rinposhay Hallmark Jolei Forbidden; Owned by Maurene J. Baum and Diane Ehricht
Best Owner Handler: CH Marja-TU Chu This is the Way; Owned by Mark and Jacqueline Stempel, Kathy Kwait, and Sebastian Canonica
Reserve Winner’s Dog: Ultra’s To Be Perfectly Honest at Intuition; Owned by Kristie Miller and Eileen Nicholas
Reserve Winner’s Bitch: Zephyr Its About Glam Time; Owned by Robyn Lilly
Wednesday, April 17, ASTC Regional #1 Obedience and Rally
Judge Ted McCall
HIT in Obedience RACH Hallmark Jolei Hot On The Trail Tova VCD3 UDX4 OM6 BN RM4 RAE4 MXP4 MXPB; Owned by Judy E. and Thomas R. Harding
High Scoring Triple and High Combined in Rally RACH Hallmark Jolei Hot On The Trail Tova VCD3 UDX4 OM6 BN RM4 RAE4 MXP4 MXPB; Owned by Judy E. and Thomas R. Harding
Thursday April 18 ASTC Regional #2
Judge John Ioia
Best of Breed: CH Hallmark Jolei Out of This World, Owned by Luke and Diane Ehricht and Bonnie Miller
Best of Winners and Winner’s Dog: Kylins Just The Way It Is!; Owned by William and Angie Fussaro
Best of Opposite Sex and Owner Handler: CH Sarjan N Ascher’s About D@mn Time; Owned by Sarah Bebee and Wendy Ascher
Winners Bitch: Hallmark Jolei Alice in Wonderland; Owned by Luke and Diane Ehricht
Select Dog: CH BR Peppers Rocket Man; Owned by S. Djeredjian, C Andrade, K Norrish, D Ritchkoff, and L Craig
Select Bitch: CH Rinposhay Hallmark Jolei Forbidden; Owned by Maurene J. Baum and Diane Ehricht
Best Puppy ,Best Bred By and Reserve Winner’s Dog: Hallmark Jolei Twilight Rendevous; Owned by Luke and Diane Ehricht
Reserve Winner’s Bitch: Intuition’s Carmel Apple Perfect; Owned by Kristie and Rocky Miller
Thursday ,April 18, ASTC Regional #2 Obedience and Rally
Judge: Ted McCall
HIT in Obedience RACH Hallmark Jolei Hot On The Trail Tova VCD3 UDX4 OM6 BN RM4 RAE4 MXP4 MXPB; Owned by Judy E. and Thomas R. Harding
High Scoring Triple and High Combined in Rally RACH Hallmark Jolei Hot On The Trail Tova VCD3 UDX4 OM6 BN RM4 RAE4 MXP4 MXPB; Owned by Judy E. and Thomas R. Harding
Friday April 19, ASTC National Winners
Puppy Sweepstakes Judge: Kathy Bilicich Garcia
Best in Sweepstakes: Vanity SP Go With The Flo; Owned by Zach Watkins
BOS in Sweepstakes: Hallmark Jolei Twilight Rendevous; Owned by Luke and Diane Ehricht
Saturday, April 20, ASTC National Specialty Winners
Judge: Douglas Johnson
Best of Breed: CH Hallmark Jolei Out of This World; Owned by Luke and Diane Ehricht and Bonnie Miller
Best of Winners, Winners Dog, Best Puppy, and Best Bred By: Hallmark Jolei Twilight Rendevous; Owned by Luke and Diane Ehricht
Best of Opposite Sex: CH Sarjans N Ascher’s About D@mn Time; Owned by: Sarah Bebee and Wendy Ascher
Select Dog and Owner Handler: CH Souyen’s Ziggy Stardust; Owned by: Patti and Mark Paquette and Sarah Paquette
Select Bitch: CH Rinposhay Hallmark Jolei Forbidden; Owned by Maurene J. Baum and Diane Ehricht
Awards of Merit:
CH Valmont JP’S Every Single Time; Owned by Tanaka Takanorl
CH BR Peppers Rocket Man; Owned by S. Djeredjian, C Andrade, K Norrish, D Ritchkoff, and L Craig
CH Marja-TuChu Dream Catcher; Owned by Mark and Jacqueline Stempel and Kathy Kwait
Junior Showmanship: Judge Douglas Johnson
Best Junior Handler: Lilly Raposo