The Illustrated Guide To The Shih Tzu Standard | Hindquarters

CONTENTS: Front Cover | Preface | History | Anatomy | Standard | General Appearance | Size, Substance | Proportion | Head | Neck, Body | Topline | Tail | Forequarters | HINDQUARTERS | Coat, Trimming, Color, and Markings | Gait

HINDQUARTERS – Angulation of hindquarters should be in balance with forequarters. CLARIFICATION: The rear legs should be in proportion with the front legs in both the bone and musculature. The stifles should be well turned in order to provide the desired amount of angulation to be in balance with the forequarters.

HOCKS – Well let down, perpendicular. [Fault: Hyperextension of hocks.] CLARIFICATION: The hock should not be long and should be short enough to provide sufficient leverage for the desired strong driving rear movement. The hock should be perpendicular to the ground when the dog is standing. Some Shih Tzu have luxating or double-jointed hocks as well as a tendency for the tendons that hold the joints in place to be weak, causing them to buckle forward when gentle pressure is applied tot eh back of the joint. This is incorrect.

DEWCLAWS – May be removed. Feet-Firm, well-padded, point straight ahead.

FEET – Firm, well-padded, point straight ahead.