The Illustrated Guide To The Shih Tzu Standard | Neck, Body

CONTENTS: Front Cover | Preface | History | Anatomy | Standard | General Appearance | Size, Substance | Proportion | Head | NECK, BODY | Topline | Tail | Forequarters | Hindquarters | Coat, Trimming, Color, and Markings | Gait

NECK, BODY – Of utmost importance is an overall well-balanced dog with no exaggerated features.

NECK – Well set-on flowing smoothly into shoulders; of sufficient length to permit natural high head carriage and in balance with height and length of dog. CLARIFICATION: The neck should be in balance with the overall dog. A neck that is too long is as objectionable as a neck that is too short in that both destroy the overall balance of the Shih Tzu.

BODY – Short-coupled and sturdy with no waist or tuck-up. The Shih Tzu is slightly longer than tall. [Fault: Legginess.] CLARIFICATION: Short-coupled refers to the part of the body between the last rib and the pelvis. The Shih Tzu body should be approximately the same width across from rib cage to rear, when viewed from above. There is no "waist". The body is firmly knit together and should be slightly longer than tall. The proper balanced Shih Tzu should never be leggy or too short in leg. There will be some degree of tuck-up, but this should never be to the degree found in some Hound breeds.

CHEST – Broad and deep with good spring-of-rib, however, not barrel-chested. Depth of ribcage should extend to just below elbow. Distance from elbow to withers is a little greater than from elbow to ground.

CROUP – Flat.